Un framework pour le livre numérique
An eBook framework (CSS + template) which mantra is to “find simple solutions to complex issues.”
FriendsOfEpub, Blitz
Jiminy et Quentin ont créé, il y a quelques mois déjà, un framework pour le livre numérique, l’initiative est suffisamment rare pour être signalée ! Je n’ai pas testé, mais les objectifs sont assez clairs :
Blitz was designed to deal with the significant obstacles a newcomer or even an experienced producer might encounter. Its major goals are:
- to be simple and robust enough;
- to offer a sensible default;
- to manage backwards compatibility (ePub 2.0.1 + mobi 7);
- to provide useful tools (LESS/SASS);
- to get around reading modes (night, sepia, etc.);
- to not disable user settings.